I'm a sucker for period dramas! TOBG is intriguing and goosebumpily thrilling. The unfolding of betrayals, Anne's desperation, the bedroom scenes, Mary's sisterly love, the scheming, the bitching, the beheading - Yivon and I were moved to tears! But that's also partly cos we're ignorant about English history or I'm sure tears will not be shed so freely at the last part.
The gorgeous costumes and setting aside, there are three reasons to watch TOBG:
- 1) Eric Bana is so yummy as King Henry. I can see why every girl is dying to bed him.
- 2) Any show with Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman is usually worth watching. I can't decide who's hotter (I think Natalie acts a tad better than Scarlett though. But Scarlett is perfect in period dramas. She just has that look. Or maybe I'm influenced by The Girl with a Pearl Earring which aired on tv last Sunday).
- 3) You'll learn how the Church of England came about and why England chose to separate from the Catholic Church. The power of women. Another case of "the face that launched a thousand ships". Yivon and I were picking up tips dished out by the sisters' mother on how to seduce men. Hilarious.
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