Friday, September 26, 2008


technology workshop in the supreme court the whole afternoon.
feeling restless. and sleepy.
a birthday song led by taryn and the others.
happy and embarrassed.
sneaking out to buy a polar curry puff during tea time.

7pm - it's finally over!

blending in with the walls at UE Square.

dinner at Spizzico - handmade sausage bits in my spaghetti. the mozzarella tower wrapped with parma ham yum yum.

taking pics anywhere, everywhere.

I get my present!


Anonymous said...

Lol, you need a couple of new labels like "Happiness", "BF". So how is this year's birthday harvest?

Wai Han said...

Haha you should know that bf does not necessarily equate with happiness.

Got some makeup, bling bling, a jap doll (for ages 3+), " the time traveler's wife" and a fantastic pop-up book (on castles)!

Wai Han said...
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Wai Han said...

btw what assignment has a 10k word count??

Anonymous said...

hello pretty girl. looking gd =)

Wai Han said...

thanks :) hope you got over your "shock" lol.

Anonymous said...

Tsk tsk, you need to cut the lawyerly expressions - "necessarily equate". *rolls eyes*

Wah, you got a whole lot of (impractical) stuff, tsk again, [The parenthesis are meant to emphasize that it's my personal opinion which may not be justified. I'm parenthesistically speaking so as not to offend your readers who are likely also to be the gifters. ]

Were you talking to me reg the word count thing? Three assignments la. 11k excluding fns leh. competition, IT and persppty. i likes.

Anonymous said...

OMG i almost bought that exact same dress. hahahaha martina pink right? :P

Wai Han said...

yes yes martina pink! they have a red one too but look too much like our flag :D

Wai Han said...

look who's speaking lawyerish.

3.5k per topic is fine what and you're lucky that footnotes is not included cos you'll definitely exceed the word limit.