Saturday, December 11, 2010

A little bit of sunshine

We've been having classic December weather so far - lots of cool wind and rain but thankfully, have not been caught in any downpour so please keep it that way!

Been appalled at how much I've been spending lately and I usually feel zilch guilt for acting out my material impulses. This time is just too much! The discounts everywhere are really not helping. Let's see, I have Papermarket's 40% off coupons and each time I buy more scrapbooking stuff, they chuck me with more of these fantastic coupons and it gets kind of addictive after awhile arrgh.

With all the paper I bought, managed to scrap a little in the few moments I have everyday after work. The Wander series of paper is perfect for my Italy pics. I think Italy is possibly the most sun-drenched place you can think of! All the sunshine, Tuscan villas, vineyards, rolling hills and coasts in the movies are really quite accurate!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


I don't know why but it startled me to realise that tomorrow is December (and I only realised it when I dated my letter to my opponent) yet I don't feel any Decemberness.

December used to be marked by school holidays and now that that has been permanently removed from my life, and since the weather in Singapore is not very helpful in reminding you of the seasons, I suppose December has lost most of its significance (Christmas aside, but it's not as if my family is very big on Christmas anyway. Strange since my dad loves Christmas songs and my mom loves to bake log cakes and we just love to receive presents).

On a more cheerful note, I just witnessed a splendid stormy sunset from the 31st floor of my office and I'm looking forward to peeling off Day 1 of my advent calender tomorrow!

Here's to December and of course, Christmas :)

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ember @ 1929

Warning: this post is going to be photos galore cos I thought that my pictures at Ember turned out especially nice that night because of the lighting and the projector-like partitioning which effectively acted as the backdrop.

We celebrated KM's bday there. While I'm sure everyone passably enjoyed themselves and the food, I was feeling a little grumpy that night for no particular reason. I guess it's not easy to organise dinner and have people complain (even in jest) about the place, time, price etc etc. Maybe I was just tired. But anyway, here are some of my favourite pics:

Birthday Bear!

Birthday Boy

Prince Nord

Someone in a pensive mood... again

I don't know why Cyn is frowning when I was trying to suppress her hysterical laughter the whole night

the happiest person (thing) around

the nicest roasted pork belly I tasted, fat and all

foie gras with shitake

yummy crabcake which makes me feel like going to Boston rightaway to try the real stuff

scallops wrapped with prosciutto


sticky too!

our cosy corner - for rowdy customers

wish and blow!

are you really 27???

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

50mm of happiness

Eeeeks! Am thrilled with the belated bday prezzie I'm gonna get my bro. I've always subscribed to the buy-people-things-you-like theory and it works like a dream this time!

The object of all this lusting is a second-hand 50mm fixed lens which is just perfect for portrait shots. Grateful for the diversity of cameras at home cos this lens only works with my dad's D90.

Some candid (read: unglam) sneak peaks taken with our new fixation:

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Everyday randoms

Separation anxiety. My parents are hilarious sometimes!

Very belated prezzie from bro. Good conversation starter if I bring it overseas. Think Cui will like it.

Attack of the ferns - I'm very fond of these weeds.

Pitchers keep growing to replace the shrivelled ones.

Baby ferns sharing a pot with the cactus.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

More thanks

The sweet thing about having a slightly cheena bf is that he remembers strange Chinese dates - like today (10-10-10) - and I find a pretty kikki k card in my mailbox (with no postmark) even though he's miles away in GZ :) I wonder whether he bribed his mom/sisters to deliver it!

To round off my thanks to all my friends who have been so kind to me:

Thanks LKM, my soon-to-be ex-roomie for his pretty silver necklace. I guess it was a more appropriate gift than my request for a bikini from Bali!

I've thanked TJS and R previously but only managed to take a pic with them last Friday at Table 66. My smiley look belies how lightbulb-ish I was feeling when the pic was taken hahaha.

Thanks KM for the superb Truffs cake (the fudge covering was so gooey liquidy that I can see the reflection of the card in it!), the card and postcards, and ALL the presents you got me. I still can't decide which is my favourtiest! :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Belated Thanks!

Thanks everyone for your well-wishes for my birthday! :)

  • I think my scrapbook obsession is apparent to all. Thanks QF for the fabulously sweet scrapbooking kit!

  • Thanks Yiwei, Jiaying, TY and TY for adding to my stash (oh joy!).

  • Thanks Yivon for the bag and our MBS staycation!
  • Thanks Wendy for the treasure chest of materials and my very own card!

  • Thanks SX for the very writable journal!

  • Thanks Des for the supermarket vouchers!

  • Thanks TJS and R for the necklace, charms and all!

  • Thanks KM for the 00:00 phone call and postcard (I'm sure your 5pm at Florence was a sunnier one than mine!)

  • Thanks XX and Yilynn for organising our PS Cafe lunch!

  • Thanks TR for the surprise cake and Gnomes books (how many more to go?)!

  • Thanks A. Sandy for the watch!

  • Thanks to my parents for the Kate Spade bag (en route) and cake (my retarded bro owes me a prezzie)!

  • Thanks to my grans for their ang bao and Yosemite Sam!

  • Thanks YY and Ivy for the super cute romper/dress!