The object of all this lusting is a second-hand 50mm fixed lens which is just perfect for portrait shots. Grateful for the diversity of cameras at home cos this lens only works with my dad's D90.
Some candid (read: unglam) sneak peaks taken with our new fixation:
I strongly discourage that "by people what you like" thinking. It has never worked well for me - Shihan wasn't thrilled when I gifted her underwear tubs on a seesaw. And I wouldn't be thrilled if I get Notebooks - not even if they are moleskins.
Its a tad shameless to do a birthday plug on your blog, where all our friends can see, but I'm shameless and have a free pass because I'm the birthday girl. So here goes, I will gladly accept vouchers.
And don't be a grouch :) I'll try to get you something I THINK you'll like
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