Sunday, November 28, 2010

Ember @ 1929

Warning: this post is going to be photos galore cos I thought that my pictures at Ember turned out especially nice that night because of the lighting and the projector-like partitioning which effectively acted as the backdrop.

We celebrated KM's bday there. While I'm sure everyone passably enjoyed themselves and the food, I was feeling a little grumpy that night for no particular reason. I guess it's not easy to organise dinner and have people complain (even in jest) about the place, time, price etc etc. Maybe I was just tired. But anyway, here are some of my favourite pics:

Birthday Bear!

Birthday Boy

Prince Nord

Someone in a pensive mood... again

I don't know why Cyn is frowning when I was trying to suppress her hysterical laughter the whole night

the happiest person (thing) around

the nicest roasted pork belly I tasted, fat and all

foie gras with shitake

yummy crabcake which makes me feel like going to Boston rightaway to try the real stuff

scallops wrapped with prosciutto


sticky too!

our cosy corner - for rowdy customers

wish and blow!

are you really 27???

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