Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hen's Night

People who know me will know that I like to plan nice themed Martha Stewart style parties (none of which has materialised btw) so my initial plan for SX's hen party was no different. But the lack of time and money got in the way and we ended up with a super chill sleepover at the family suite of Hotel Re doing all the chick stuff. That would necessarily include watching chick flicks - Sleeping Beauty and The Ugly Truth - having lots of chips, wine and endless girly talks and confessions. Nothing outrageous for the hen (no d*** shaped cake or strippers) but I'm sure she appreciated the treat. Let's do this more often girls, whether anybody's getting hitched or not!


Anonymous said...

I want the pics!!! I remember there are more. Gotta get them all from you some day!


Wai Han said...

Yes yes! I took the whole lot from shuxin. Will pass to you when we meet!