Sunday, August 12, 2007


I think my blood pressure increased by a few points today when Borders told me that
Eclipse was sold out. After monitoring all the local bookstores' online inventories since 7th Aug when the book was released in the US, I cannot believe that I'll be so unlucky to have the book sold out on me. ARRGH. I've never waited so expectantly for a book, not even for Harry Potter.

Luckily, Kino ordered a sufficient supply to appease all fans so I managed to lay my hands on the hardcover copy. My blood pressure shot up again when I spotted the cover I've seen so many times online and never within reach.

I realise that NY Times bestselling authors or other award-winning authors will have their books published in hard cover first while the paperback will be released months later. I guess hard cover is a sign of popularity (remember the first three Harry Potter books were published in paperbacks before
Bloomsbury published the rest in hard cover when the success of the sequels was secured) cos crazy people like me are willing to fork out almost double the price rather than wait for the cheaper version.

Story - Girl falls in love with boy vampire and the course of love never did run smooth, even more so between mortals and immortals.

Comment - It is not the slightest bit as corny as it may sound. Adults have been known to be susceptible to the enthralling story. Go ask my mom and her colleague.

Twilight - the first book in the series - remains as my favourite. New Moon - the second book - is no less arresting though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are not in law school to read novels.