Wednesday, October 17, 2007


I'm musing over when I succumbed to blogging after resisting it for years because (1) I cannot imagine baring my soul to the public and (2) I enjoy choosing and buying paper diaries too much to give it up. I reached a happy compromise of writing P & C stuff in my diary (like Betty who has diaries with different levels of P&C in case Veronica gets hold of one of them) and blogging about irrelevant thoughts and happenings. So I started this blog to reassure family and friends that I'm well (and alive) when I went MIA in Canada in June this year.

So why the quotidian blog name? Simply cos I lust to travel! Yeah I should be lucky to have visited many places but when is it ever enough when you're blessed/cursed with this irresistible, incurable, innate desire to explore new places?

I can't stop thinking of 2 places - Venice and Machu Picchu. It's really weird how coincidentally or otherwise, a couple of unrelated incidents sort of reaffirmed my desire to visit those places.

Venice: I always wanted to visit this supposedly most romantic city in Italy after missing it on my last visit. A couple of weeks ago, I watched a documentary on floods and they did a case study on Venice and how it is doomed to drown eventually. I have to visit Venice before it is finito! A couple of days ago, I was reminded of Venice again when I saw Des's envy-inducing pics of his Italian escapade (he takes pretty good pics of the architecture and scenery). With copyright permission obtained, here are some of his pics:

Machu Picchu: When Machu Picchu was nominated as one of the new Wonders of the World, I dismissed it as one of those over-hyped, overly crowded tourist spot (think Great Wall). A couple of weeks ago again, I met ZM on the bus. While in NYC on holiday, she and her bf decided to exploit cheap airfares to South America and embarked on a 4-day hike (Though I like the thought of luxurious hols, I miss trekking in dirt and mud. really.) up Peruvian mountains to reach the sacred Inca ruins of Machu Picchu. Imagine exploring lost Inca civilizations!! Last week, Arts Central featured a documentary on Peru. Lo and behold, the clip ended with a scale up Machu Picchu which looks exactly like a mystical lost world complete with swirling mist (I am reminded of one of my fav books: City of the Beast by Isabel Allende).

Arrgh. To cast all and take flight!


Anonymous said...

Venice is over hyped. But I'm all for Peru. Visit me and we shall go!

bing said...

you LUST for travel?!?!

Wai Han said...

lust defined as "a desire or craving". what are you thinking of bing?!

Anonymous said...

eh i haven't visited your blog in a long time (think ever since the last time we met for dinner) but you've blogged alot since then!
anyway i didn't know you were such a travel-whore too. if you EVER go to peru, TELL ME coz i also wish to visit. haha. and seriously, Venice is overhyped. But I guess just for completeness, you ought to visit it once in your life at least.
and I see that your IT presentation went well...(prob through no credit of yours haha..joking!)
see you on wed if you're going for class!


Wai Han said...

oh yeah forgot ur the person who toured the world in one year! haha make sure you won't collapse halfway up the mountain ;)