Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Simple pleasures.

Tell me I'm not the only one who gravitates towards food during this exam period (and promptly lost my appetite today after the paper). Comfort food (read: high carb) ranks high on my list.

Cranberry-apple muffins fresh from the oven. Yum! Added some choc buttons as embellishments much to my mom's chagrin.

Childhood snack - Bee Bee is now 15 cents.

An attempt to be healthy - my fav South African apples. Sweet with a mild sourish tang.

Got these psychedelic M&M's from NYC's M&M's world.

With the explosion of colours that greeted me when I entered the shop, it's probably the cheeriest place in NYC (rivaling Toys R' Us. but then, M&M's definitely look cuter and happier than many toys).

I felt happy just LOOKING at the eye-popping columns of rainbow-hued M&Ms. That's colour therapy for you. Of course it helps that I was surrounded by tons of nature's anti-depressants.


Anonymous said...

Wahhhhhh da M&Ms look so colourful!! I wanna pop them in ma mouth now! Geez..


Anonymous said...

It's high in fat in addition to carbs.

Wai Han said...

yeah yeah you're only interested in food :P

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhhhhhh thanks.. -_-

Nicc said...

I'm totally into colour therapy too man! So you get into high carbs when you're stressed and yixian needs to drive and drive and drive...guess what i need to do? totally i have to have to buy something...know what i last bought the day before p prop? Toilet cleaner from cold storage at 10am in the morning. Omg. Stop me.

Wai Han said...

ahahaha don't worry! i like visiting the supermarket too! anyway just a few days more and you can start your REAL shopping. gawd. P prop. =/ hope it was ok.