Saturday, December 15, 2007

The alternative campus superstar

It was a splendid performance by all the tertiary students and again, I wish I started learning a (any!) musical instrument when I'm younger, with less inhibitions and a less saturated brain.

Yixian (together with her sis) won the admirable 3rd prize in the song writing segment! Having listed her numerous musical talents, why am I still surprised that she can churn out music and lyrics (which I discovered, is no mean feat, after watching Hugh Grant's agony in
Music and Lyrics)?? I'm sure the judges (people from the music industry) were touched by the simplicity and naturalness of their performance (and all her fans! Her family was very supportive as usual). Afterall most contestants seemed pretty experienced and had their fancy bands and costumes. Here's their winning performance (recorded by my non too steady hands):

Virtuoso 07
is a yearly affair organised by SMU and it's nice to see students from other unis and polys taking part too. The standard is impressively high and the performers were comparable or even better than all those reality singing contests shown on TV these days. There was a nice mix of soft rock, ballads and Chinese pop and even beatboxing.

Surprise surprise! I won something too. The 3rd and last prize for the lucky draw. I knew 19 is MY number. But as it turned out, I made a mortifying blunder on stage when I shoved my ticket into the presenter's (some semi-famous Taiwanese singer or somebody) hand (to prove that I'm the legitimate winner) instead of shaking it. And of course I had to stumble on the steps when returning to my seat. Argh Argh Argh.


Nicc said...

O_o sounds like you had stage fright picking up your prizd :D

Wai Han said...

Lol yeah totally cannot make it. Anyway thanks for videoing THAT band!

Anonymous said...

i know about THAT bandddd.... *snigger snigger* *wink wink*

Wai Han said...

hahaha what nonsense did Nicc spread :P??