Sunday, January 13, 2008

Student once more

The generic/unique (largely depending on the school) uniform is really the hallmark of a student. I've never had the student-ish feeling ever since I entered uni and uniforms became another nostalgic part of my teenage years. The TK uniform is comfort personified and really, I don't mind looking like a mass-produced "dust-bin" or "graph paper" and escape the chore of putting together new outfits daily.

I'm 95% relieved, 5% amused that I can fit into my old TKGS uniform which on hindsight, was way too baggy and shapeless last time. With minor alterations (lower belt, rolled up sleeves - my only chance to look ah lian), I became a "newly minted old TKGian" at the back-to-school gathering.

2002: gawd, we all look underdeveloped. Note how the boys' PAP style uniforms are generally less interesting than the girls' varied colour/design skirts and pinafores.

2008: so why do we look better in our uniforms now? Is the saying that only guys look better as they age a fallacy and the "wine theory" applies to both sexes?

I find it easier to be fond of my pinafore now than in the past when the eye-catching green stood out in a sea of blues and whites - the cause of my teacher troubles in the LT.

To Gill: here's another pic to add to our collection


bing said...

argh what if i can't fit into mine anymore? *wails*!!!

hey let's go for lunch someday :)

Wai Han said...

oh pls! I'm quite sure you are thinner now.

I don't think we're taking any common mods this sem :( but it's the last sem so I'm determined to enjoy!

bing said...

my shoulders are much broader tho. after effects of canoeing :p >:(