Monday, March 31, 2008

Hair mess (II)

Verdict - hair is significantly softer and smoother. Not sure if it's shinier (I lost my shine when I opted for layers sigh!) Might consider doing the mask once a month.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Hair mess

Mom decided to save money with her DIY avocado yogurt hair mask, recipe from the Women's Weekly. I'm always dubious about DIY products especially skin care and now hair care tops the list.

It felt like applying poo on my hair and watching poo plop onto the floor as I comb through my hair according to the instructions. The mashed up avocado pieces on the ground simply refused to head for the drain no matter how hard I blast the water at them. Yuck yuck!

And despite enthusiastically shampooing my hair, the oily feeling lingers not only on my hair but all over my back! Arggh. A pimple outbreak is imminent :(

Hope my well oiled hair gleams and dazzles tomorrow -_-

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For he's a jolly lucky fellow

With two gorgeous, fabulous and tolerant pals celebrating his bday, TR is probably one of the luckiest person on earth haha. At least he was nice enough to buy us dinner at My Secret Garden (I admit it's hard being my friend but think of the perks!). It was a nostalgic dinner - I can't help having fond thoughts of my 21st party.

Birthday boy with a surprise sticky date toffee pudding!

The gorgeous, fab and tolerant pals

We had bruschetta for starters. They were done differently - the tomatoes were stuffed into the baguette instead of a pizza-style topping. Nice!

I enjoyed my main course though the rest commented that theirs tasted rather "Chinese".

Cilantro chicken

Seafood Aglio Olio

Cod fish

It was a good opportunity to test out my new camera so Gill and TR had to put up with my enthusiasm (I tried to ignore their groans, sighs and snide comments). I'm rather worried for grad trip now since NEITHER of them can take very flattering pics of me! And no Gill, it's not the subject but the photographer!

The quaint wooden swing outdoors is a nice spot for after dinner chit-chat. I remember taking tons of pics there at my bday too!

Take 1 - Gill + TR

Take 2 - TR looking like a carbon copy of Take 1

The *rolls eyes* thing happens all the time

Somehow we ended up walking around CHIJMES which was beautifully lit at night, casting eerie shadows everywhere.

As usual, we seem to have endless things to talk about so we headed to the aptly named Insomnia for drinks.

I wish I paid as much attention to my books

Totally overpriced beer. Wait till we hit Belgium.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

when the cats are away, the mice will play

I'm sure my parents enjoy their break away from us as much as we enjoy their short absence. It's not that I feel liberated to do extreme things - it's more the freedom to do things as and when I feel like.

I can eat, sleep, bathe, return home at my own sweet time without incessant nags/advice/warnings/ comments. Silence is good for the soul. Unfortunately few people share that view.

My bro and I got on swimmingly by minding our own business. We talked when we felt like, split the chores (he boiled water and fed the fishes; I did the laundry and watered the plants) and agreed on meals in minutes.

Saturday - cai fan for lunch. Rojak of snacks from the Pasar Malam for dinner. We shared: fishballs, Chinese sausage, roti john, tutu kueh, muah chee and breaded prawn balls.

The Pasar Malam is a much awaited event in our quiet neighbourhood. Every night at 7.30 - 8.30, I'll see streams of people leaving their flats. It looks so much like an orderly evacuation that I can't help grinning. Food aside, it's nice mingling with our neighbours. I spotted and hello-ed an assortment of tuition kids (terrors in class and amusingly shy outside).

Sunday - cai fan for lunch. We have a little tradition of calling in pizza for dinner but I decided on the healthier alternative of hor fun. My bro asked plaintively: "when will we have the chance to order pizza then?" "When they go for another of their HK trips lah, you know they will." I replied.

Work productivity has dipped to an all time low. I took 1 week to finish a 2000 word essay. Appalling! To sweeten the pain of writing, I was continuously stuffing my face with Ferraro Rocher chocs and fresh nougat (you'll never want to touch those pre-packed ones again!) over the weekend. Arrgh.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sayonara, Daryl!

Another friend wanderlusting across the globe. Daryl to his fav place - Japan. He dresses like a Jap, speaks proficient Jap and looks like a Jap so I'm sure he has no problem acclimatizing!

Anyway it was a pro-Singapore (the airport - a much bragged about symbol of Spore's success) night trailing through T1, T2 and T3. Parking at T3 is most annoying because of the limited lots, lack of indicators and clear signs. We must have circled the area for 30 mins before luck befell us.

Dinner at Breeks (T2). T3 was swamped with people whose sole purpose at the airport was to eat/shop at NTUC. Singaporeans must seem like a deprived bunch of people always flocking to new malls (T3 looks a little like Vivo as Des commented).

Excessive photo taking has become a trademark of any meeting with Des. Retarded but fun!

Happiness comes in four...

... so does sian-ness

The jaded Singaporeans

The kawaii Japs

The failed F4-pose attempt

Anything with wheels spell fun!

He's heavy but he's my friend :D

SY's purchase for the day

Goodbye for now. Love the shirt!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My infinitesimal self

If you want some perspective in life, I suggest star gazing on a clear, breezy night (remember to off the lights). And maybe you'll discover more about yourself and perhaps others.

But when I look at the stars,
when I look at the stars,
when I look at the stars I see someone else.
When I look at the stars,
the stars, I feel like myself.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

They're here!

FANTASTIC! SUPERB! YEAAA! I was ready to buy my Sanuks online - I was dead sure that it's unavailable in S'pore - when I saw the word "Sanuk Sandals" on the Isetan private sale newsletter! Feeling faint, I dialed the number on the website for its Asian distributor. Lo and behold, Sanuks are sold at Robinsons and only Robinsons (Isetan carries the guys range only unfortunately). Spring/summer collection out in 2 weeks. Can't wait :)

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

wet wet wet

I tried to think positively while walking down the hill today - happy, romantic, healthy, adventurous thoughts - but it was impossible when I had to juggle a bag, laptop and brolly while my shoes squelched and jeans skimmed the puddles (why did I wear my bootcut today!).

I absolutely detest the journey to and from school when it rains relentlessly and my buses sail merrily past me while I stand helplessly at the traffic light. Where's my prince charming in his white Porsche???

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Freed from the fetters of a 7000 word essay - I swear my ass expanded after surrendering myself to the chair - and ironically, I'm back on the chair in front of my bro's com (a luxuriously big screen - 19 inches - after that on my pathetic laptop). Raided through his Jukebox and wasted the whole night indulging in music. A thankful respite from the endless thoughts flowing through my mind. I'm tired.

1. How to Save a Life - The Fray
2. Stars (Acoustic) - Switchfoot
3. That Thing You Do - The Wonders
4. Everytime We Touch (Candlelight mix) - Cascada
5. Heaven Knows - Rick Price
6. Drive - Incubus
7. Littlest Things - Lily Allen
8. Breakfast Machine - Danny Elfman
9. California - Phantom Planet
10. Accidentally in Love - Counting Crows
11. Daijoubou (Boys Be theme song) - Aki Maeda
12. Hanging by the Moment - Lifehouse
13. Breakaway - Kelly Clarkson
14. True - Ryan Cabrera
15. Lovefool - The Cardigans

Thursday, March 6, 2008

The most fashion forward blog

Michelle Tay's chance encounter with The Sartorialist in Paris was hilarious as noted in today's Urban. She's probably miffed because he did not take a pic of her for his blog hence her disparaging comments of him. Anyway I must thank EN for passing me the blog address last year. It's a great distraction in classes even though I feel depressed and helpless after looking at the gorgeous people + clothes thronging the streets of Paris and NYC.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sport + Food = Less Guilt

After the tennis game (euphemism for "lesson") with Gill and TR, I have a current enthusiasm for tennis! Hence the tennis outing at Daryl's house. TR is superbly good, Daryl is fantastic while the rest of us occupy the average to dismal range.

Despite my formal lessons, my ball sense, anticipation and reaction are unbelievably bad. So what if I know the techniques and can hit the ball passably well when Daryl
throws them directly at me? I flounder at the real game.

After an hour or so of backbreaking retrievals of misbehaving balls, I decided to do what I was better at - taking photos.

Daryl with what seems like incredible balance

Des looking cooler than he really is haha

At least my fingers react fast

And this was the best pic Des took of me - a paparazzi looking shot of me whining to Daryl -_-

SY had a special date after that so I headed to town with the guys and ended up replenishing my calories at Shokudo - the Jap version of Marche. This pay-when-you-leave concept is totally bad for wallet and health cos people tend to order indiscriminately and overeat which nearly happened. The food is fresh though and more skillfully cooked than I expected.

The starters

Love the chewy mochi

Binging pals

A perfectly toasted slice of baguette

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Not quite finished

Today's Life travel section featured an article on the must see sights in Toronto. They include:
  • CN Tower
  • Casa Loma
  • Hockey Hall of Fame
  • Royal Ontario Museum
  • Toronto Zoo
  • the various ethnic enclaves
In my one month there, I have only truly visited the CN Tower and Chinatown. Driving around Casa Loma at night doesn't count (with some blur pics for souvenir) and I'm sure cycling past the Museum en route to shopping along Bloor Street can hardly be called a "visit".

I did my research. I knew these places existed. But when I was there, these places of attractions seemed too touristy to warrant a visit (strange, since I was a tourist) and I was perfectly satisfied with roaming around the neighbourhood and getting a "feel" of the Torontonian way of life.

Another time perhaps!