Wednesday, March 26, 2008

For he's a jolly lucky fellow

With two gorgeous, fabulous and tolerant pals celebrating his bday, TR is probably one of the luckiest person on earth haha. At least he was nice enough to buy us dinner at My Secret Garden (I admit it's hard being my friend but think of the perks!). It was a nostalgic dinner - I can't help having fond thoughts of my 21st party.

Birthday boy with a surprise sticky date toffee pudding!

The gorgeous, fab and tolerant pals

We had bruschetta for starters. They were done differently - the tomatoes were stuffed into the baguette instead of a pizza-style topping. Nice!

I enjoyed my main course though the rest commented that theirs tasted rather "Chinese".

Cilantro chicken

Seafood Aglio Olio

Cod fish

It was a good opportunity to test out my new camera so Gill and TR had to put up with my enthusiasm (I tried to ignore their groans, sighs and snide comments). I'm rather worried for grad trip now since NEITHER of them can take very flattering pics of me! And no Gill, it's not the subject but the photographer!

The quaint wooden swing outdoors is a nice spot for after dinner chit-chat. I remember taking tons of pics there at my bday too!

Take 1 - Gill + TR

Take 2 - TR looking like a carbon copy of Take 1

The *rolls eyes* thing happens all the time

Somehow we ended up walking around CHIJMES which was beautifully lit at night, casting eerie shadows everywhere.

As usual, we seem to have endless things to talk about so we headed to the aptly named Insomnia for drinks.

I wish I paid as much attention to my books

Totally overpriced beer. Wait till we hit Belgium.


Gillian said...

I'm feeling a tad hurt by that comment. Seriously waihan, what are the odds that with the exception of desmond the rest of your friends dun take awesome photos of you? The problem has to be with the subject! ha

Wai Han said...

Now I'm feeling hurt! hahaha. Anyway the pics turned out better than I expected. Must be the horrible lighting of the cam screen.