Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Sport + Food = Less Guilt

After the tennis game (euphemism for "lesson") with Gill and TR, I have a current enthusiasm for tennis! Hence the tennis outing at Daryl's house. TR is superbly good, Daryl is fantastic while the rest of us occupy the average to dismal range.

Despite my formal lessons, my ball sense, anticipation and reaction are unbelievably bad. So what if I know the techniques and can hit the ball passably well when Daryl
throws them directly at me? I flounder at the real game.

After an hour or so of backbreaking retrievals of misbehaving balls, I decided to do what I was better at - taking photos.

Daryl with what seems like incredible balance

Des looking cooler than he really is haha

At least my fingers react fast

And this was the best pic Des took of me - a paparazzi looking shot of me whining to Daryl -_-

SY had a special date after that so I headed to town with the guys and ended up replenishing my calories at Shokudo - the Jap version of Marche. This pay-when-you-leave concept is totally bad for wallet and health cos people tend to order indiscriminately and overeat which nearly happened. The food is fresh though and more skillfully cooked than I expected.

The starters

Love the chewy mochi

Binging pals

A perfectly toasted slice of baguette

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