Saturday, May 23, 2009

half more day

I'm grateful for these extra hours before I fly tonight. Have dribs and drabs of things to settle. Somehow I cannot go on a holiday without feeling a little anxious. Mostly it's the "did I forget to bring something" feeling? Which in reality is not a big deal as I'm sure America - the land of plenty (and waste) - will fulfil my material needs.

My family and friends have not failed to constantly remind me of the swine flu situation in NYC. Like duh, I'm probably more up to date than them! Admittedly, it's a concern. But I'm more worried about having to be quarantined in a room with absolutely nothing to do and having my plans screwed up. Am stocking up on books and magazines for the worse case scenario. Is Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell a sufficiently long read (all the reviews cautioned that it is longer than it looks and requires patience)?

One of the little pleasures I have before a trip is selecting my travel journal. This time, it's a gift from my mom who bought it from HK.

I find it useful stick an envelope at the front/back cover to store the little mementos collected along the way.


Anonymous said...

enjoy ya trip have fun ya hahah!!!!


Wai Han said...

yes yes.. only saw Burt's Bee Medicated but no pomegranate!