Thursday, May 28, 2009

touring NYC part 2

Swine flu. Have been receiving messages from concerned people so thanks everyone. It's kinda hard to be vigilant cos it's really impossible to see/sense/hear/feel the swine virus. We have been religiously sanitizing our hands if that helps.

Weather. Nice and cool 16-18 degrees. I'm frozen but TR likes it and cannot understand why I keep complaining.

Statue of Liberty. We didn't go to Liberty Island cos the queue for the ferry is absurdly long and tickets are not free. The budget traveller's tip to free views of Lady Liberty is from Battery Park but expect a "bite sized" view. A better picture opportunity is from the FREE Staten Island Ferry - a 20 minute ride from Manhattan to Staten Island.

No zoom.

12x optical zoom.

The mass of people chionging to enter the ferry. Not as scary as it looks.

Views of the different NYC boroughs.

The closest view of Lady Liberty we can get.

View of Manhattan.

Brooklyn Bridge. Flagged as a tourist must-see in every guidebook. I think Macculey Culkin crossed the bridge in the iconic yellow taxi in Home Alone 2! We did the touristy walk across the bridge (a hot and rather tiring 30 mins) to Brooklyn. Brooklyn was not what I expected. It's a more spacious version of Manhattan and quieter. Not as hip as what Gossip Girl portrayed!

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