Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Law Collegiate Dinner 08

Only 60 of Yr 4s turned up for Law Ball but more than three quarters of us attended the Collegiate Dinner. Why? Cos it's FREE!! Thanks to the generosity of the deanery (I'm really quite fond of our Dean. He's funny and totally kindred!)

Pre-dinner: lots of preening and posing. Decided to wear my not-so-low-cut-after-all dress held up by the liberal use of the godsend Hollywood tape!

Really grateful to my ever supportive aunt who allowed us to trample around her house and loaned me her jewelery again (the last time was Law Ball 05 - see the trend?).

Some memorable/ interesting moments of the otherwise pretty mediocre buffet dinner:

Other than seeing Yixian in a dress, we did lots of photo-taking. I'm definitely not the only camera whore that night!

With the only person who can wear jeans and still look classy

Bing who patiently listened to my wardrobe woes

I don't know why we are both leaning right!

Pals from year 1 to year 4 and many more years to come!

ZQ looking uber spiffy that night

Why can't JH ever act normally?? (NB: Yixan and Fav not fighting for once!)

Fav who has proven to be an oxymoron by winning the "most buaya " award and the "most likely to be a house husband " award. Cheryl beware!

ZY who refuses to pose nicely. Again.


the person who thinks my bro is nicer than me -_-

The 3 musketeers!

A toast to the 4 eventful years

Law school did for a few moments feel like "one big family" - the familiarity, the squabbles, the bitchiness, the fun, the tears, the grumbles, the solidarity. Common characteristics of families, no?


Gillian said...

1. Your arm looks slim AGAIN!
2. The neck line of your dress draws attention downwards, perhaps this was the reason why you found your actually-not-very-low-cut-dress low cut!
3. You look good again! could we have some fashion disaster please, I do not want to feel like I'm the only one who partakes in that. :)

Wai Han said...

You and your bulleted points!
1)my arms are so NOT thin
2)I am not used to flaunting my non-existent chest lol
3) You NEVER had any fashion disaster, maybe except the trackpants episode hahaha