Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mass Call

Mass call is a strange event - part court hearing part ceremony. Nevertheless, the significance is that we are admitted to the bar as advocates and solicitors i.e. we can start speaking in court, signing off things in our name, giving legal advice... and earning our full pay!

I was very glad that that the ceremony did not last long as the seat in Victoria Concert Hall was uncomfortably small and the hall seemed filled with (invisible) dust. I had to struggle with a robe, a clip board and a handbag while surreptitiously blowing my nose with a tissue. Not very glam!

Looking back, I think the main problem is the weak air-con. Imagine packed rows of pupils in the full court attire - white shirt, black coat - plus the MASSIVE robe with extra padding on the shoulders (contrary to what many people, including TR, think, no we do not have to wear wigs so too bad you've lost your chance to laugh -_-) It was humid, stuffy and soporific. The inevitable result is that many people (me included) dozed off.

Pre-call photo taking. It's convocation all over again.

Thought I'll never get to see YY carrying a handbag! As for E, erm, it suits him :P

Queuing up to take the official photo which we later found out that costs $80-$200!

Post-ceremony photo taking at the outside. Ominous weather.

Most of the Rodyk pupils.

Laughing out of embarrassment of having to pose in the middle of nowhere with people streaming past.


Mozaralla DesK said...

congrats ! njoy yr NY trip too!

Wai Han said...

thanks! tell me if you need anything :)

Anonymous said...

miss wong where are the pics ah...................


Wai Han said...

yes yes no time!!