Wednesday, May 27, 2009

touring NYC

Crazy weather. The heat and humidity yesterday was replaced by a 12 degrees weather and chilly wind today. Was totally unprepared hence have to splurge on a cab home to change into warmer clothing (sounds like Venice huh?).

Permanent stink. There's a kind of stench hanging over the city. A mixture of exhaust and human activities. It's usually unnoticeable but gets worse in Times Square as a result of tourists and road side BBQ stalls. I get paranoid about respiratory diseases wherever I find myself gasping for air in that area.

Financial district on a public holiday. Forgot it was Memorial Day holiday on Monday. The quiet surroundings was a pleasant experience from the usual bustle. It was lovely to stroll down the empty streets and admire the stone and brick buildings which lends NYC's financial district its uniqueness.

The pleasantly empty streets.

Wall Street - always teeming with tourists.

Resting on the steps of a building (???) in front of Federal Hall.

The lovely stone facade of the Federal Bank of America.

September 11 memorial in St Paul's Cathedral which was transformed into a relief centre. Quite a moving exhibition.

Famous bronze bull which, contrary to popular belief, is not found on Wall St but in Bowling Green Park.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eh Han make sure u bring a mask and wear it whenever u can! Sg just got its first case of H1N1 and the victim just came back from States. Argh!!!
