Friday, June 1, 2007


Lately, I discovered the wonders of the humble mascara. Like almost every other thing, you have to actually use it before realising you cannot live without it (Yivon has been extolling the benefits of makeup but I just didn't see her point. Until now.) The 845am workdays at Rodyk have SHRUNK my eyes. I look into the mirror every morning, depressed at the sight of my nearly non-existent double eye lids, so one day in an uncharacteristically proactive mood, decided to mascara my lashes in a last ditch attempt to widen my peepers.

I was of course, late for work. Mascara-ing lashes requires a tremendous amount of skill and adroitness which I have yet to master and lack respectively; considering how idiot proof my tube of mascara is already. Unlike conventional types, my mascara applicator has a comb head instead of a brush head. Hence no clumping, less smears and better control. It makes sense to comb my lashes instead of brushing them since I obviously don't have enough eye-hair to brush. Naturally, I observed some points about lashes like how our lashes appear longer towards the end of the lash line - perfect spot for extra layers and curls.

The Majolica Majorca mascara I'm using (shipped from Taiwan) has a tres glam packaging of black and gold, reminiscent of Anna Sui's slightly gothic designs. The only annoying thing is how effective it clings on to my lashes which means that no amount of makeup remover can budge it. So with my fingers, I have to "pull" the mascara (which has turned into a rubbery paste by that time) off my lashes (oops there goes a couple of precious strands). WHY the heck am I still using it?? Probably inertia.

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