Monday, June 25, 2007

With high distinction

Cui graduated with high distinction one week ago - none of us expect anything less. She is lucky. Her parents flew in from Singapore and her bro flew in from NYC to attend the ceremony. Some grads were alone. And of course she has moi. The weather forecast was right again. It was gray and drizzly and really bad news for photo taking on the lawn.

She looked beautiful in her black and white strip tube dress; just the right touch of formality and femininity. I was appalled to see a girl wear leggings and sandals up the stage! The convocation ceremony took place in the dome-ceiling Convocation Hall which has a history dating back at least a hundred years. Our seats (right in front by mistake of having sat in the reserved row) offered us a good view of the stage and a good vantage point to take photos. Actually, most of the people present looked like tourists armed with cameras and snapping pics furiously (between the 4 of us, we already had 3 cams!).

The speeches did not last long thankfully. Apparently, the composer of Little Miss Sunshine's music score graduated from U of T so he was invited to give a speech. I like his grin and his speech was by far the most engaging. Cui went up, posed prettily for us and the ceremony was over. We took a million photos in front of University Hall and in the charming Knox College garden. Andy appeared and surprised (maybe not) Cui with a bunch of hotchpotch flowers and Purin wearing a graduation robe. The sky cleared, the pictures were perfect and we headed for a hearty Italian lunch to celebrate.

That was also the day of my none too successful tennis lesson. Cui and Andy couldn't go so she suggested that her bro and I take their places. Everything is not very legal of course since we don't have member's access to the Athletic Centre (a behemoth complex which houses courts, a running track, pool etc under one air-con roof) so we had to sneak in with Simon's help. The lesson went as expected. I was as good as the times I played at Daryl's house i.e. TERRIBLE.

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