Monday, September 24, 2007

Kopi Shop really Rocks!

My mom is sulky because I didn't ask her to go for our Law IV production - Kopi Shop Rocks. Dunno why I just didn't think of asking her. I'm regretting now cos our musical is FANTASTIC and everybody should go and see it! Though Law IV is supposedly the graduating batch's performance, only half of the cohort is involved (hey they also need an audience).

Yixian and I arrived kiasuly early and we managed to get good seats despite holding the cheapest tickets. Cass looks
extra pretty (right HM?) so I'm putting up a close-up pic of her haha.

I'm very proud of my friends/classmates for putting up a musical from scratch! The vintage props were great, retro costumes were very cool, music and lyrics were catchy and I guess the most enjoyable part was just watching people you know act, dance and sing.

It suddenly dawned on me that law people are musically inclined (they should have a
Law School's Got Talent). Nearly everyone I know plays one or more musical instruments. Yixian for eg has mastered the piano, keyboard, drums, guitar and saxophone. I feel totally depressed and un-gifted with my half-baked, no, fully uncooked organ skills. Arrgh.

ZQ was so uncharacteristically grumpy and curt that I couldn't help chuckling each time his Mr Kwan comes on stage. I finally had the chance to hear him croon (Yixian says he has perfect pitch!) but didn't video his solo because it was at a romantic part and I was distracted. Here's him looking his usual cheery self:

Here's a clip from the Cabaret scene. Julia has a (surprisingly) pleasant singing voice!

Excellent finale!

JH on the other hand was in his element as a half-naked bawdy gangster. (Cui if you're reading this, he is the guy we met on the bus) Here's a clip on his antics:


Anonymous said...

Check out I parked my browser there today for free music.

Anonymous said...

Makes me totally regret my overseas experience. Here I am eating instant noodle and reading your blog instead of laughing my head off at the play. *jealous*