Saturday, September 8, 2007

Luna reflections

By the light of the silvery moon...
...We were sailing along... On moonlight bay...

This pic was taken at Bedok Jetty at midnight. I'm nostalgic for some good old campfire singing under the stars but it seems that my guiding days are over. Anyway nobody actually admires the moon or stars during campfires cos we're too busy eyeing the scouts (vice versa). Stayed over at Yivon's chalet so we rented bikes overnight. ECP was crowded even at that time but there was enough sea breeze to go around.

The crisp and cool air was refreshing in a way we never get in the day, inland. And I suddenly remembered what the Phantom sang
"Close your eyes let your spirit start to soar...." (the night makes me disgustingly sentimental).

Why doesn't moonlight burn since it's the reflection of sunlight? Is it cos the sun rays travel too far when they are reflected and lose their energy?

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