Saturday, February 9, 2008

It's ok being the eldest

Peace at last. All my "charges" are safely out of the door and into the care of BH1 (assigned chauffeur for the night). The adults in my family have decided to shrug off their parental responsibilities in exchange for a night of old songs at some concert. I have been given the task of looking after the house and the welfare of my bro/cousins because:
  1. I'm the eldest
  2. It's my home
  3. Being a girl, I'm arguably more responsible than the guys
Dunno about the rest but I felt a sudden exhilaration of freedom - a house full of lively youths (ranging from 14 to 22 years old)! I'm pleased to report that nobody took advantage of the unfettered circumstances. In fact, the guys were better behaved, more helpful and I actually had the chance to interact with them.

Due to the constraints of my flat and the lack of entertainment (no Wii, PS3, Xbox etc), the guys had to make do with rollerblading, skate scootering and cycling. I can't remember the last time they engaged in activities that did not require a screen! I'm also pleased that BH3 took a sudden fancy to my organ and persuaded me to teach him a song. He in turn taught me how to activate my drum function and we had fun imitating the NDP march past.

I realised that my little cousins (all hitting the 1.8m mark) are not so little after all. As we grow older, the mental age gap seems to narrow and I actually enjoy their company.

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