Monday, February 25, 2008

Nerdy pursuits

My little cousin (rudely/affectionately) calls me "nerd" each time he sees me. A friend labels all people without cable TV as nerds. Speaking of TV, the only programme I watch these days is Makansutra Raw and no, I don't have cable for that matter. Managed to catch The Queen on Arts Central last night though and was enthralled by Helen Mirren's dressing, her witty and curt comments, the music and Tony Blair's goofy grins (does the ex-PM laugh so much in real life?). I was entirely captivated by the rolling British highlands and moors (Enid Blyton's influence in my formative years is profound).

It boils down to how one defines "nerd". If nerd = good grades, I don't deserve that label now. If nerd = plastic specs, the definition includes me. If nerd = mugger, I fail to qualify ever since I entered law school. If nerd = person who reads all the time, I guess I'm a nerd since I can't go anywhere without bringing something to read.

I'm thrilled to "discover"
Tom Perrotta at the library as I'm running out of Alexander McCall Smith books to read. His books are satirical insights on American suburban life - the sandwiched middle class, sexually repressed adults, the education system, culture, religion. Little Children reminds you how parents are a very naughty bunch especially if they are bored stay-at-home parents. The Abstinence Teacher pits a human sexuality teacher against a religious soccer coach (with a dubious past). I'm totally addicted to these wittier, more realistic and less trashy print versions of Desperate Housewives.

To-do for the week:
  1. Finish Life of Pi and savour every beautiful sentence coined by Yann Martel
  2. Continue to enjoy Tears of a Giraffe (it's by AMS who else!)
  3. Revive my stagnated progress of Battle Royale which is becoming really gory

1 comment:

bing said...

really enjoyed life of pi