Tuesday, February 12, 2008

A time of revelry!

I'm thankful that the CNY hol stretches across 4 days. It's a perfect time and excuse to meet up, makan and have fun. The dreaded days of work are drawing nearer and I'm determined to max out whatever remaining time I have now!

Yixian, Jiawen and Nic came to bai nian. Hope our little tradition continues!

A sniff at my mom's pride and joy - the mint plant

The (n+1)th attempt to take a nice shot

CEO style - Godiva and wine

Co-chef and kitchen maid Yivon :)

SH owes me 2 bday presents this year for crashing my house!

Thanks lots to Des for his tips on travelling in Europe. He sounded more excited than me!

Glad that XX popped by for a while

Preparing for our steamboat. Note Yiwei's violent tendencies

KM with her cute braces. I miss mine!

Love the nodding figurines which Yiwei's parents insisted we hold

Nice leafy view from the balcony

You are fatter!

On a winning streak. Disclaimer: playing with 2 VERY blur novice

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