Tuesday, June 30, 2009


I'm addicted to WORDEL! It's this online tool which helps you to create a word cloud from a text.

For example, when I inserted this paragraph from my previous post:

(1) ascend Rockefeller Centre or the Empire State Building (cloudy skies, bad view);
(2) visit the MET or MOMA or any other museums (museum fatigue after DC);
(3) visit BodyWorks (keep procrastinating on the belief that the exhibition will always be there);
(4) visit Coney Island;
(5) eat pizza at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn;
(6) watch a Broadway musical or play.

I got this customizable word cloud!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


Yivon messaged me last night about some "nice" photos of me she uploaded on her blog. I had my suspicions hahaha. See what they amounted to!

Looking vague? Probably cos of the wind in my face.

Family or friend??

I'm going to send this pic to SIA...

Models who flopped at their first photoshoot.

Best friends pretending to be F4.

Never knew ECP bore any resemblance to the Australian outback!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Theatre Night!

I'm quite satisfied with this trip to NYC. I've accomplished most of what I planned: explore the different neighbourhoods, visit certain shops and streets, drop by the touristy attractions. My failure to complete everything on my list is largely a result of: (1) my laziness; (2) my penchant for exploring the streets rather than visiting attractions; (3) the weather and (4) lack of $$.

Hence I did not:
(1) ascend Rockefeller Centre or the Empire State Building (cloudy skies, bad view);
(2) visit the MET or MOMA or any other museums (museum fatigue after DC);
(3) visit BodyWorks (keep procrastinating on the belief that the exhibition will always be there);
(4) visit Coney Island;
(5) eat pizza at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn;
(6) watch a Broadway musical or play.

The last "miss" annoys me the most. I refuse to pay US$150++ for a good seat or $70++ for a bad seat. I refuse to queue at TKTS for discounted tix cos I figured that the time spend queuing could be better employed (anyway they don't have discounted Wicked tix). It's kinda ironic cos in the end, we paid US$25.00 to watch Terminator Salvation and Drag Me to Hell (don't remind me) when we could watch them at half the price in S'pore.

I did managed to visit a theatre, albeit not a Broadway theatre, and was part of the audience in an extremely entertaining live show for US$17!

According to Wikipedia, Apollo Theatre is "the most famous club associated with African-American performers". No surprise that it is in Harlem or that we were one of the few Asians that night (inc. a few Jap tourists). Amateur Night is a talent show or, to quote Cui, "American Idol on steroids". The audience (and everybody) were crazily enthusiastic. Thankful that I could hide in the shadows and rest my weary feet!

Harlem comes with its share of horror stories but I'm very sure I'd be less jumpy if Cui did not keep reminding us of them as we walked the streets. It did not help when I saw that the counters at Popeye's Chicken have a solid wall of fibreglass between the servers and the customers. "In case there's a shoot-out", Cui says calmly. !!! With my mind occupied elsewhere, I realise that the area's more dingy than the other parts of Manhattan and the people more shady but otherwise it's fine in daylight and in groups (we're on 125th St. It gets worse as the numbers increase).

While waiting to enter the theater, Cui decided to use the make shift "blue screen" to take some "studio-worthy" shots with her pro/expensive SLR while I fiddled with my expiring point-and-shoot.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Arlington National Cemetery

Day trips are one of my favourite activities so I made sure to plan for a few hassle-free ones. My decision to visit Arlington National Cemetery arose from a National Geog article that I read some time ago. I couldn't believe how beautiful a cemetery could look or that it is such a popular tourist attraction.

Arlington Cemetery is in the state of Virginia but it's just across the river from DC (I'm still not used to imaginary state boundary thingy.) The train ride took us 30 mins at most. It sounds morbid to visit a cemetery but you can see from the manicured lawns that it looks more like a picturesque national park than a creepy graveyard.

Many famous people are buried there and JF Kennedy is one. See the eternal flame that burns on his tomb?

The symmetrical neat rows of tombstones is mesmerizing. I wonder how they keep the thousands of tombstones sparking white?

I like how TR uses his colour accent function to create two similar yet different shots.

Changing of guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The Narnia-esque amphitheatre.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home Alone

Alas, I'm back. There's a higher chance of me falling sick cos of the (unforgivingly humid) weather than the flu. I know I've been blogging alot about the weather but if you think about it, the weather is the first thing you notice about a place when you step out of the universally air-conditioned airports.

Anyway my whole family has quarantined themselves away from me in hotels. Not a bad idea actually as I'd hate the thought of having to quarantine myself in my baking house if a family member catches the bug (I'm the potential threat in this case). I suppose having less people around the house means less heat and more peace which is good.

Well since I'm "shunned" by family and friends, I've decided to re-live my trip vicariously through photos so look out for them!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Back in NYC for another couple of days before flying back to S'pore. Had a superb time on the Alaskan cruise and suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms now :( As Cui says, it's back to reality.

Cruising was especially enjoyable for several reasons:
  • 1) Nice cool weather. Contrary to popular belief, Alaska is not freezing cold. Temperature ranged from 13-25 degrees. The chilly part was when we stood on the decks when the ship was moving.
  • 2) Freestyle cruising: dress in whatever you want, eat whenever, whatever and however often you want, participate in any activities you want. Totally relaxing and stress-free. We dined in 3-course restaurants almost everyday!
  • 3) Spectacular scenery. Harsh wilderness and rugged snow-capped peaks formed a continuous moving picture outside the window.
  • 4) Spotted deers, bald eagles, seals and whales .Whales are the all-time favourite and most elusive.
  • 5) Andy, Cui and TR. Had enough people to play Blokus with me and take my pics hahaha.
Here's a few pics from my fantastic photographers who snapped with the enthusiasm of the paparazzi (photos and captions courtesy of Cui).

On the deck of the Norwegian Sun at Vancouver.

Blokus mania. Guess who was the only person who was NOT competitive and NOT busy killing others? (Clue: the "horizontally challenged" one :P)

Islands of tree-covered mountains.

Bald eagle sighting. It's really difficult to take a close shot of them considering how far and fast they swoop around.

Our first port stop: Ketchikan. Cui and Andy invaded people's privacy and took pics of their homes. The houses are on stilts to be ready for rising tide levels (global warming!)


Saturday, June 6, 2009

More shopping

Bleecker Street is one of the nicest street to stroll and window shop. It has a mix of big brands and hip independent brands. In fact I like roaming around Greenich Village cos they have the most interesting (gay) shops and little cafes. TR describes the area as "artsy, laid back and uber-cool".

The nearest metro stop: Christopher St-Sheridan Square.

Ralph Lauren Kids. Totally adorable.

Little Marc Jacobs. Every bit as cute!

Of course nothing beats the main Marc Jacobs store!

Cannot resist checking out the books. I have to give it to TR that he is usually very indulgent of my particular habit.

Magnolia Bakery. The cupcakes are as pretty and sweet as the shop itself. TR complains of the sugar rush after sampling one tiny cupcake! I suspect it's cos he chose this unknown flavour (light green frosting) while I chose the yummy choc one.

Love the funky labels they carry in Urban Outfitters!


Weather again. It's bloody cold and wet and windy. And the last weather check showed that the temperature here is lower than in Alaska -_- Despite soggy shoes and rain in my face, I had a smidgen of humour left when I saw TR struggling with his overturned cheapo umbrella. Was totally amused that my battered umbrella of 5+ years was still holding strong while his new umbrella kept dancing to its own tune in the wind.

Shopping. Been spending alot of money on food and useful things (suddenly lost interest in souvenirs). Everything is friggin cheap here! Goldfish crackers cost US$1.88 here ($5+ in S'pore). Family size Kettle chips cost US$2.87 a bag ($4+ for a smaller bag in S'pore). Pepperidge Farm Cookies and Ben & Jerry's cost US$2.50 here!!! It's insane. My kiasu S'porean self couldn't stop compulsively comparing prices. Feel that I'm overpaying for EVERYTHING in S'pore cos we import everything from the States. The only expensive thing here is outside food but that's if you convert to S$ and you ignore the large portions.

More shopping. I'm absolutely delighted that I can buy all my magazines here at their normal prices minus freight. Bought all the scrapbooking, Martha Stewart, Cosmo and Vogue mags I can find. The books are relatively cheaper too so half my luggage is filled with all these paper products and the other half is filled with scrapbooking stuff. It cost HALF of what it would have cost back home so I couldn't resist "stocking up".

I bet this bookstore has every kind of book! It's totally no frills and old-school inside.

TR looking super thrilled when he saw the Uniqlo in Soho. It's much much much better than the S'pore store.

One of my fav shop, Kate's Paperie, in Soho.

Like how they strategically arrange the mirror such that you can see your back.

I know it's rather meaningless to visit a Disney Store on 5th Ave but I cannot resist any thing Disney!

A "I love NY" tee for Bearemy!

TR looking super embarrassed when I made him pay at the Built a Bear Workshop hahaha.

Super cool mega toy-store, FAO Schwarz, on 5th Ave.

TR always acts like a deprived 5-year old kid in candy and toy stores. Totally hilarious.

Wish I could have brought this Strawberry Shortcake home!

I bet this is his favourite store cos we visited it twice and spend way too much time there. The Apple Store on 5th Ave has this cool outer glass structure. You enter by climbing down a spiral glass staircase into the store which is basically underground.