The Flatiron. A goregeously constructed building which narrows impossibly at one end. I wonder how they fit any offices into it. Cui, TR and I made used of the public tables and chairs in front of the building to capture some great shots. It's amazing how many of these free outdoor tables and chairs you'll see around the city. There's a fantastic culture of chilling out.
Shake Shack. A win-win dining solution for TR and I. He's crazy about burgers and I drool over fries and milkshake. NYC is milkshake heaven!! This burger stand in Madison Square Park is hugely popular with the locals and I can understand why though I'm not a big fan of hamburgers. The beef patties are juicy and nicely seasoned and the burgers actually look colourful enough to console yourself that your're having a balanced meal. The "black and white" shake (vanilla ice-cream blended with hot fudge) is of course the best part :)
hey looks like u are having loads of fun there ya! enjoy! when u back ah?
On the 18th! Bought ur pomegranate lip balm. Are 3 sticks enough?
OOOOo wah wee! Thanks girl!
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