Hence I did not:
(1) ascend Rockefeller Centre or the Empire State Building (cloudy skies, bad view);
(2) visit the MET or MOMA or any other museums (museum fatigue after DC);
(3) visit BodyWorks (keep procrastinating on the belief that the exhibition will always be there);
(4) visit Coney Island;
(5) eat pizza at Grimaldi's in Brooklyn;
(6) watch a Broadway musical or play.
The last "miss" annoys me the most. I refuse to pay US$150++ for a good seat or $70++ for a bad seat. I refuse to queue at TKTS for discounted tix cos I figured that the time spend queuing could be better employed (anyway they don't have discounted Wicked tix). It's kinda ironic cos in the end, we paid US$25.00 to watch Terminator Salvation and Drag Me to Hell (don't remind me) when we could watch them at half the price in S'pore.
I did managed to visit a theatre, albeit not a Broadway theatre, and was part of the audience in an extremely entertaining live show for US$17!
According to Wikipedia, Apollo Theatre is "the most famous club associated with African-American performers". No surprise that it is in Harlem or that we were one of the few Asians that night (inc. a few Jap tourists). Amateur Night is a talent show or, to quote Cui, "American Idol on steroids". The audience (and everybody) were crazily enthusiastic. Thankful that I could hide in the shadows and rest my weary feet!
Harlem comes with its share of horror stories but I'm very sure I'd be less jumpy if Cui did not keep reminding us of them as we walked the streets. It did not help when I saw that the counters at Popeye's Chicken have a solid wall of fibreglass between the servers and the customers. "In case there's a shoot-out", Cui says calmly. !!! With my mind occupied elsewhere, I realise that the area's more dingy than the other parts of Manhattan and the people more shady but otherwise it's fine in daylight and in groups (we're on 125th St. It gets worse as the numbers increase).
While waiting to enter the theater, Cui decided to use the make shift "blue screen" to take some "studio-worthy" shots with her pro/expensive SLR while I fiddled with my expiring point-and-shoot.
I can't believe you missed the MET and Wicked!
yeah missed it again! cannot believe it right??
FYI. Michael Jackson and his brothers first performed in 1969 at The Apollo Teater (they won amateur night.
Really??? Sad that he's gone.
(2) my penchant for exploring the streets rather than visiting attractions
isn't "exploring the streets" a euphemism for "shopping"? ^_^
A: watch Thriller MTV (MJ), find similarities!
To C: No! I didn't even shop much this trip. All the $$$ gone to Alaskan excursions + photos :(
Is that irrelevant comment by A Toh?
No Shopping? Could you pls scroll through your blog entries? You will spot paper bags with the brand names printed on them. If those are not the evidence of shopping, I do not know what is.
Well that's about the only shopping (for clothes) that I did the whole trip!
OMg hey i stayed at harlem at L hotel with my 7 friends for five days! They kept saying it was very dangerous and all but seriously i think it's okay..the blacks around were nice and we were pretty safe thruout the 4 nights despite coming back past midnight everynight.
And I managed to catch Chicago which was not as amazing as I expected it to be.. :(
But I missmissmiss times sq n Soho and the kebab stalls on the streets! :)
Wow looks like you've been maxing your time in NYC! I can never be bored of that place.
Received lots of discounts for Chicago on the streets but didn't watch. At least you had the experience :)
Blog and upload pics!
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