Saturday, June 6, 2009


Weather again. It's bloody cold and wet and windy. And the last weather check showed that the temperature here is lower than in Alaska -_- Despite soggy shoes and rain in my face, I had a smidgen of humour left when I saw TR struggling with his overturned cheapo umbrella. Was totally amused that my battered umbrella of 5+ years was still holding strong while his new umbrella kept dancing to its own tune in the wind.

Shopping. Been spending alot of money on food and useful things (suddenly lost interest in souvenirs). Everything is friggin cheap here! Goldfish crackers cost US$1.88 here ($5+ in S'pore). Family size Kettle chips cost US$2.87 a bag ($4+ for a smaller bag in S'pore). Pepperidge Farm Cookies and Ben & Jerry's cost US$2.50 here!!! It's insane. My kiasu S'porean self couldn't stop compulsively comparing prices. Feel that I'm overpaying for EVERYTHING in S'pore cos we import everything from the States. The only expensive thing here is outside food but that's if you convert to S$ and you ignore the large portions.

More shopping. I'm absolutely delighted that I can buy all my magazines here at their normal prices minus freight. Bought all the scrapbooking, Martha Stewart, Cosmo and Vogue mags I can find. The books are relatively cheaper too so half my luggage is filled with all these paper products and the other half is filled with scrapbooking stuff. It cost HALF of what it would have cost back home so I couldn't resist "stocking up".

I bet this bookstore has every kind of book! It's totally no frills and old-school inside.

TR looking super thrilled when he saw the Uniqlo in Soho. It's much much much better than the S'pore store.

One of my fav shop, Kate's Paperie, in Soho.

Like how they strategically arrange the mirror such that you can see your back.

I know it's rather meaningless to visit a Disney Store on 5th Ave but I cannot resist any thing Disney!

A "I love NY" tee for Bearemy!

TR looking super embarrassed when I made him pay at the Built a Bear Workshop hahaha.

Super cool mega toy-store, FAO Schwarz, on 5th Ave.

TR always acts like a deprived 5-year old kid in candy and toy stores. Totally hilarious.

Wish I could have brought this Strawberry Shortcake home!

I bet this is his favourite store cos we visited it twice and spend way too much time there. The Apple Store on 5th Ave has this cool outer glass structure. You enter by climbing down a spiral glass staircase into the store which is basically underground.

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