Sunday, June 21, 2009

Arlington National Cemetery

Day trips are one of my favourite activities so I made sure to plan for a few hassle-free ones. My decision to visit Arlington National Cemetery arose from a National Geog article that I read some time ago. I couldn't believe how beautiful a cemetery could look or that it is such a popular tourist attraction.

Arlington Cemetery is in the state of Virginia but it's just across the river from DC (I'm still not used to imaginary state boundary thingy.) The train ride took us 30 mins at most. It sounds morbid to visit a cemetery but you can see from the manicured lawns that it looks more like a picturesque national park than a creepy graveyard.

Many famous people are buried there and JF Kennedy is one. See the eternal flame that burns on his tomb?

The symmetrical neat rows of tombstones is mesmerizing. I wonder how they keep the thousands of tombstones sparking white?

I like how TR uses his colour accent function to create two similar yet different shots.

Changing of guards at the Tomb of the Unknowns.

The Narnia-esque amphitheatre.

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