Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Back in NYC for another couple of days before flying back to S'pore. Had a superb time on the Alaskan cruise and suffering from severe withdrawal symptoms now :( As Cui says, it's back to reality.

Cruising was especially enjoyable for several reasons:
  • 1) Nice cool weather. Contrary to popular belief, Alaska is not freezing cold. Temperature ranged from 13-25 degrees. The chilly part was when we stood on the decks when the ship was moving.
  • 2) Freestyle cruising: dress in whatever you want, eat whenever, whatever and however often you want, participate in any activities you want. Totally relaxing and stress-free. We dined in 3-course restaurants almost everyday!
  • 3) Spectacular scenery. Harsh wilderness and rugged snow-capped peaks formed a continuous moving picture outside the window.
  • 4) Spotted deers, bald eagles, seals and whales .Whales are the all-time favourite and most elusive.
  • 5) Andy, Cui and TR. Had enough people to play Blokus with me and take my pics hahaha.
Here's a few pics from my fantastic photographers who snapped with the enthusiasm of the paparazzi (photos and captions courtesy of Cui).

On the deck of the Norwegian Sun at Vancouver.

Blokus mania. Guess who was the only person who was NOT competitive and NOT busy killing others? (Clue: the "horizontally challenged" one :P)

Islands of tree-covered mountains.

Bald eagle sighting. It's really difficult to take a close shot of them considering how far and fast they swoop around.

Our first port stop: Ketchikan. Cui and Andy invaded people's privacy and took pics of their homes. The houses are on stilts to be ready for rising tide levels (global warming!)


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