Thursday, September 20, 2007


I feel especially gratified and loved on my birthday when friends and family send their well-wishes. THANK YOU! I guess as we get older, busier, drift apart or leave the country (thanks Yiwei for your messages! I can't wait to receive the parcel from Cui!), a simple SMS from friends whom I’ve not seen for years is all the more meaningful.

I'm a sucker for birthdays because they are a celebration of LIFE! They mark the existence of every person on earth. Birthdays don't end when we turn 21.

Thank you to my parents, grandparents and aunt for their generous ang baos. And my bro for getting me 2 of Olivia's bossa nova CDs when I requested for 1. And also my aunt for the charming present (yes, I’m still a Disney princess at heart).

Thanks Niccole, Yixian, Jiawen, Joseph for the blue dress (I’m so glad you all chose blue over black!) and the personalized card. Commanded to wear it on my bday, I wore it to lunch at The Tea Party today.

I picked The Tea Party mainly because it is near school and because the second level has totally chilloutable couches for slouching and gossiping.

And of course the lunch wouldn't be complete without their famous teas (with the weirdest names. Mine was "Silver Needle") and utterly heavenly scones! The duck pizza was different and I like the juicy prawns in my aglio but there was a dash too much chilli flakes.

A sign of a chilloutable place is the availability of cushions. Caught a cushion-fight in action.

Thanks Bing and ZY for the illustrated
Stardust! Of course will read it before watching the screen adaptation. Thanks Gen for Camomile Blend (prettily wrapped. took forever to extract the CD in fear of spoiling the wrapper).

I was mortified when ZQ shouted "happy bday" across the classroom and started a bday song! But yeah, it's something I would do to
sabo my friends too haha.

Had dinner at
Miss Clarity Cafe with Gill, Julia and TR. Appreciate you busy people with morning classes for spending the night with me. Thanks for the inspirational book (yes I know Virgos are a pessimistic race)!

My fav Mud Ooze was as decadent as ever. Too stuffed to eat my bday cake!

The last few good pics at Raffles Hotel before battery was exhausted.

Two unexpected incidents cropped up. Yixian was fined $70 for parking within 6m from the junction. What bloody unheard-of rule is that?! The worse thing is we parked at a RESIDENTIAL area - Bukit Timah - and NONE of the cars parked in front of her were fined. Parking at Bukit Timah is a nightmare. Don't know how the rest managed to find a LEGAL space.

I was wholly to be blamed for the other incident. Yixian parked at House 5 in school under a Saga tree. The whole carpark was scattered with the pretty red seeds. So itchy fingers me couldn't resist picking one and attempted to kick it. Law of gravity dictates that the seed will fall (and I will miss) but I was unprepared to see my shoe fly in a perfect trajectory over the fence to the construction site next door! A LOCKED fence. In hysterics, we managed to use a branch to fish my shoe out. Thank goodness for the gap below the fence!


Anonymous said...

I found your blog!! send me the photos pls! :)
ur shoe thing was hilarious lah!

Wai Han said...

hahaha you were laughing your head off lor. yeah will pass you the pics through email or in class!