Sunday, February 3, 2008

A rabbit and lots of TLC

If Shuxin does not quickly pop out a kid, Chin Chin will officially be the spoiltest bunny around. Just look at the plethora of snacks she got him - air dried strawberries, apple flavoured crackers, biscuit sticks, celery sticks and other unidentifiable lumps and pellets. And the amount of time she lavishes on him. Tsk.

But who can resist a small fur ball who darts around the house at amazing speed? Bunnies are utterly adorable yet I think I prefer a dog. A big shaggy dog like Jughead's Hotdog. Dogs are way more interactive and affectionate. Chin Chin simply refused to be carried!

The only time I can get his attention is by dangling a celery stick in his line of vision. For some weird reason, Chin Chin is fond of celery. Yucks!


Anonymous said...

It's so fluffy and squishy.

Wai Han said...

yeah I really felt like squishing it!! Your Sunny's not the fluffy kind of dog right?

I'm sorry that your turtle died.

Anonymous said...

MUHAHAHA i couldn't help laughing when i read this post.. Da way u write about Chin chin is soo funny ahhahahahhahaha..

PS.. sometimes Chin Chin breath smells of Celery too! =P

Wai Han said...

your chin chin is as bimbotic as you lor! and I don't want to know abt his breath -_- but he's quite cute lah...