Saturday, June 20, 2009

Home Alone

Alas, I'm back. There's a higher chance of me falling sick cos of the (unforgivingly humid) weather than the flu. I know I've been blogging alot about the weather but if you think about it, the weather is the first thing you notice about a place when you step out of the universally air-conditioned airports.

Anyway my whole family has quarantined themselves away from me in hotels. Not a bad idea actually as I'd hate the thought of having to quarantine myself in my baking house if a family member catches the bug (I'm the potential threat in this case). I suppose having less people around the house means less heat and more peace which is good.

Well since I'm "shunned" by family and friends, I've decided to re-live my trip vicariously through photos so look out for them!


Gillian said...

Welcome back.

Anonymous said...

wah lau say until like that ahhaha
